OC Japan Fair

Last week, I went to the OC Japan Fair. I’ve always been interested in Japanese culture and this was an opportunity for me to widen my knowledge of Japanese culture. Although it wasn’t a huge experience, it was an experience nonetheless. The fair consisted of food, performances, and Japanese products. Outside, there were 31 food stalls and trucks to choose from. Granted, not all of them were selling Japanese food or drinks. With my limited budget, I bought food and drinks from 3 of the 31 places. I had eaten tonkotsu ramen, menchi katsu, and drank a mango drink. For the price of the food and drinks I got, it was decently priced. Besides food and drinks, I watched performances from a couple of Japanese groups along with a performance from a daiko, Japanese drums, group. Sadly I forgot to take pictures of the performances and can’t display pictures of them.

  1. Pins and Stickers, 2. Tonkotsu Ramen, 3. Menchi Katsu

Inside the fair, there were 67 different stands and stalls. There were many different things to look at. Some of the stalls inside were advertising their products and trying to sell it to you their products. While other stalls were either Japanese goods or different forms of art that you could look at and buy if you wanted. There was also a section where there were a bunch of computers set up and you could play the console games that were provided. In the corner of the building, there was a maid cafe and I happened to walk by during a performance by two maids. They sang a Japanese song and danced at the same time. After walking around once to see what there was to offer, I ended up buying a couple of pins of Pokemon and tickers of anime I enjoyed watching (see picture above). Overall, I had an enjoyable experience and will more than likely go again next year.

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