End of the Decade

The start of my gaming and anime

We’re nearing the end of the year, but it’s not just any year because it’s the end of a decade. 10 years ago, I was introduced into the world of Pokemon. My cousin was playing Pokemon Ruby on his GameBoy. I instantly fell in love with it and even today I’m playing the latest Pokemon game, Pokemon Shield. During the 10 years, I also discovered the world of anime and manga. I just randomly stumbled across them. They eventually became a hobby of mine along with my gaming. They became a form of entertainment for me that I could spend time on and enjoy it.


Now I have become more immersed with anime and even keeping up with every season that comes out. I’ve also been keeping up with the Nintendo franchise as they were what I grew up with. Besides Pokemon, I also got into other games that Nintendo has, such as the Super Smash Bros. series, Mario Kart series, and Mario Party series. My current life is one where I have the time to keep up with multiple anime series, read mangas, and play games. In the future, however, that might not stay true anymore.

The Future

The future is unpredictable. However I would like to think that I’ll still have the same hobbies that I have today. Gaming technology will hopefully have made huge advancements with new ways to experience and play games. Anime and manga become more socially accepted instead of being different from others. Besides what my blog is about, in the future I will have graduated from college with a bachelor’s degree that relates to the engineering field. Hopefully I’ll have found a full time job to do to make money and maybe even be in a relationship.

League of Legends

League of Legends (LOL) is a well-known multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game. I had originally started playing last year, but I just didn’t get into it. However last month, I decided to try playing League of Legends again and have been playing it more frequently. A lot of my friends and cousin play LOL and I have been meaning to see if I could get into playing it. I’ve been playing so much that I’ve already hit level 30. (See picture)

So far I’ve played over 100 games already. 132 games to be exact at the time of this post. Although I’ve played this many games, I am not confident in my skills at all. I still have lots to learn and will be continuing to learn as I play. Especially when I play with my higher leveled friends. I have to say though, I’m really not sure why I didn’t enjoy playing the game last year when I initially started. The only thing that awaits me in the game is for me to do ranked matches and see where my skills put me. This will probably come up in a future blog posts of mine, so stay tuned.

Saitama vs Genos Fight

In a world filled with heroes and monsters, a particular human, Saitama, has trained himself to be able to defend himself to the point where he might be the strongest person in the whole universe. Saitama is from One-Punch Man, a well-known anime series with plenty of enjoyable and comedic scenes throughout it. This particular scene that I’ll be talking about is the first proper fight between Saitama and Genos. This is an important scene that affects the rest of the whole plot. Genos is challenging Saitama to show his strengths so that he may be recognized by Saitama. In this fight, you will notice that Genos gives it his all in this fight from the get-go, while Saitama with his simplistically drawn face just dodges all of his attacks. This continues until Genos decides that he needs to power up even more. However, this power-up makes no difference. Instead, it is shown that he is still unable to hit Saitama and Saitama just taunts him. This enrages Genos and he reminds Saitama how he is supposed to take this seriously. Saitama responds with his full force and his simple face is changed into a serious face. The strength of Saitama is first shown with a giant fist that came with the words “Death.” Then to show even more of his power a huge canyon from the air of his punch is displayed. Genos realizes his powerlessness and respects his master even more.

OC Japan Fair

Last week, I went to the OC Japan Fair. I’ve always been interested in Japanese culture and this was an opportunity for me to widen my knowledge of Japanese culture. Although it wasn’t a huge experience, it was an experience nonetheless. The fair consisted of food, performances, and Japanese products. Outside, there were 31 food stalls and trucks to choose from. Granted, not all of them were selling Japanese food or drinks. With my limited budget, I bought food and drinks from 3 of the 31 places. I had eaten tonkotsu ramen, menchi katsu, and drank a mango drink. For the price of the food and drinks I got, it was decently priced. Besides food and drinks, I watched performances from a couple of Japanese groups along with a performance from a daiko, Japanese drums, group. Sadly I forgot to take pictures of the performances and can’t display pictures of them.

  1. Pins and Stickers, 2. Tonkotsu Ramen, 3. Menchi Katsu

Inside the fair, there were 67 different stands and stalls. There were many different things to look at. Some of the stalls inside were advertising their products and trying to sell it to you their products. While other stalls were either Japanese goods or different forms of art that you could look at and buy if you wanted. There was also a section where there were a bunch of computers set up and you could play the console games that were provided. In the corner of the building, there was a maid cafe and I happened to walk by during a performance by two maids. They sang a Japanese song and danced at the same time. After walking around once to see what there was to offer, I ended up buying a couple of pins of Pokemon and tickers of anime I enjoyed watching (see picture above). Overall, I had an enjoyable experience and will more than likely go again next year.

Top 5 Upcoming Anime in Fall 2019

With the fall 2019 anime season just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to make a top 5 upcoming anime list. This list will be showcasing what the top 5 upcoming anime this season are. Before this begins, some clarifications need to be made, this list will be coming from a weeb with only 3 years of anime watching. Along with your classic dubbed anime that were seen on tv; Pokemon, Yugioh, etc. Nonetheless, this list will be a well-thought-out list of the upcoming anime for fall 2019. New anime shows come out every season, but there are always those that are better than the rest due to the depth of the plot, character development and the quality of the animation art and music used in them.

5. Shinchou Yuusha: kono yuusha ga ore tueee kuse ni shinchou sugiru


Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru or Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious in English, is an isekai anime produced by a studio called White Fox. White Fox may not have produced as many anime as other studios, but the ones that it has produced, have been quite popular, one of them being Steins; Gate. This is the first season of the light novel-adapted anime. Now you might say that isekai anime are usually very generic with their plot and the flow of it, but Cautious Hero should be given a chance. Although it does have your usual overpowered hero who is supposed to save the world by defeating the demon lord, Cautious Hero’s protagonist is as the name implies, a ridiculously cautious hero. This itself already sets is apart from other classic isekai anime. The potential for this unique idea is vast and if done well, could easily make it a huge hit. If you haven’t put this anime on your list of anime, you should give it a shot. It may surprise you and be something enjoyable to watch. 

4. Nanatsu no taizai: kamigami no gekirin


Nanatsu no Taizai: Kamigami no Gekirin also known as The Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath of the Gods is the fourth season of the series. It is a shounen anime with action, adventure, and magic. This season was produced by a studio called Studio Deen, a completely different studio from its previous 3 seasons. That’s not to say that the anime won’t be as good as Studio Deen has created multiple highly popular anime, one of the most notable being Konosuba. Seven Deadly Sins is the adventures of this group of people who have been known to be sins. With the fourth season coming up, it is safe to assume that it will be the continuation of their adventures. As to expect what’s to come, other than action and adventure, it’s kind of hard to say. 

3. Shokugeki no soma: shin no sara


Shokugeki no Soma: Shin no Sara or Food Wars! The Fourth Plate is a shounen cooking anime produced by the studios, J.C. Staff. This is the fourth and possibly last season of the anime series. To those who don’t know why this could be the last season, the manga for it has already ended. It has been a little over a year and a half since the last season with the hype for this season being debatable. Depending on whether you have read the manga or not, you could already have a premature opinion about what’s to come. To those who only watch the anime, just continue to watch the anime. It is better to keep the same expectations that you have for the anime instead of spoiling yourself by reading what others have to say. Plenty of cooking action should be expected along with more scenes of Souma showing off his skills. This possibly final season could easily end on a high note or a sad note, but if you’ve yet to watch any Shokugeki no Soma yet, then it is something you should check out if you’re into cooking and action combined. 

2. Sword art online: alicization – war of the underworld


Sword Art Online: Alicitzation – War of the Underworld or ソードアート・オンライン アリシゼーション War of Underworld in Japanese, is the continuation of the third season of Sword Art Online, SAO for short. SAO has always been one of those highly opinionated anime. It was something that people usually loved or hated. There have been mixed reviews about the first two seasons, but nonetheless, there is still a solid fanbase for it. The first half of this season has already had its own share of mixed reviews back in Fall 2018, and this second half could easily be the same. That’s not to say that the second half of the season could immensely improve within the one year gap. Hopes are high and SAO could easily deliver and meet the expectations of its dedicated fanbase. 

1. boku no hero academia 4th season


Boku no Hero Academia 4th Season or 僕のヒーローアカデミア 4thシーズン in Japanese, is the fourth season of this more recent, but highly popular anime series. Ever since its first launch in Spring 2016, the anime has always delivered. The fourth season is expected to do well, especially since it has kept the same production studios, Bones. Bones has released many great anime series including, but not limited to Boku no Hero. As someone who has seen the premiere of the first episode of this season, the plot looks very promising. This season showcases a new arc with Deku and Mirio, who coincidentally looks similar to All Might. Boku no Hero will more than likely dominate Fall 2019 just like how its other seasons have done the same. Not only will expectations be high, but also the success of it is expected to also be high. A definite must-watch for those looking for a new action-packed anime to watch.

Astral Chain

I got Astral Chain a little over 3 weeks ago. Although it has been 3 weeks since I got, I have only played through the first 3 files which took me about 8 hours. It may only be 8 hours, but those 8 hours were very enjoyable for me. I’m playing the game on casual mode as I want to follow along with the story, but also fight battles. They have other modes that are available to those who just want to watch the story and a mode for those who like intense battling. I was new to this type of game and decided casual was best for me.

Astral Chain is quite a fun and new experience for me. The only single-player game I devotedly played beforehand was Pokemon. Pokemon was a 2D turn-based combat game. While Astral Chain is a 3D real-time combat game. The combat in the game are very action packed and unique. (See pictures above) Astral Chain has a great story and interactive gameplay to go along with it. There’s plenty of content within the game and much to explore. Now I might not even be close to finishing the game, but if I ever hear about the sequel to the game, I’ll stay tuned for it. Heck, I’ll probably even buy it. Astral Chain has opened my world to new video games for me to explore. I’ll start checking out other games more closely especially any new games by the developers of Astral Chain, Platinum Games.


Hello and welcome to ACLegatus. ACLegatus is a one-manned blog by me. I will mainly write about games that I’m playing. Mainly on my Nintendo Switch with my current most favorite game being Astral Chain as shown from the picture above. Along with anime that I’m watching. Occasionally I might write about mangas I’m reading or stuff I saw on Reddit. So if you’re into Nintendo Switch games, anime, or manga, I hope you’ll enjoy what I write.